Private Numbers Removal Request Form

Use this form to request the redaction/removal of a social security number, complete bank account number, debit, charge and/or credit card number from images on the publicly viewable Hillsborough County Clerk’s Official Records website.

Information required for redaction/removal of a social security number, complete bank account number, debit, charge or credit card number from an image on the Clerk’s Official Records website pursuant to F.S. 119.0721 and 28.2221.

Please check this form to be sure all of the information contained in it is accurate before submitting it to the Clerk. This request will only remove the numbers from images publicly viewable in the Clerk's Official Records Index. If the information appears on other non-Clerk sites, you will need to contact those site managers to have it removed from there. Please submit a separate form for every record that needs to have numbers removed. Just press "Submit" one time - there may be a slight delay before a confirmation message appears. Thank you.